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代表著作 (Publications)

A. 期刊論文(Reference Articles)

  1. Li, Y.-Z., C.-S. Cheng, C.-J. Chen, Z.-L. Li, Y.-T. Lin, S.-E. Chen, and S.-Y. Huang, Functional Annotation of Proteomic Data from Chicken Heterophils and Macrophages Induced by Carbon Nanotube Exposure International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2014. 15: p. 8372-8392. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第五作者) (IF: 2.464, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 48/152)

  2. Weng, C.-H., Y.-T. Lin, N. Liu, and H.-Y. Yang, Enhancement of the advanced Fenton process by ultrasound for decolorisation of real textile wastewater. Coloration Technology, 2014. 130(2): p. 133-139. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第二作者) (IF: 0.899, MATERIALS SCIENCE, TEXTILES, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 7/22)

  3. Weng, C.-H., Y.-T. Lin, D.-Y. Hong, Y.C. Sharma, S.-C. Chen, and K. Tripathi, Effective removal of copper ions from aqueous solution using base treated black tea waste. Ecological Engineering, 2014. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第二作者) (IF: 2.958, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 42/210)

  4. Lin, Y.-T., C.-H. Weng, and F.-Y. Chen, Key operating parameters affecting photocatalytic activity of visible-light-induced C-doped TiO2 catalyst for ethylene oxidation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014. 248: p. 175-183國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第一作者) (IF: 3.743, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 10/133)

  5. Weng, C.-H., Y.-T. Lin, S.-C. Hsu, Electrochemical Regeneration of Zn-saturated Granular Activated Carbon from Electroplating Wastewater Plant, Separation Science and Technology, 2014, 49 (4) 506-512. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第二作者) (IF: 1.164, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 65/133)

  6. Weng, C.-H., Y.-T. Lin, and Y.-H. Lin, Dewatering of bio-sludge from industrial wastewater plant using an electrokinetic-assisted process: Effects of electrical gradient. Separation and Purification Technology, 2013. 117(30): p. 35-40. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(通訊作者、第二作者) (IF: 2.894, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 15/133) 

  7. Lin, Y.-T., C.-H. Weng, H.-J. Hsu, Y.-H. Lin, and C.-C. Shiesh, The Synergistic Effect of Nitrogen Dopant and Calcination Temperature on the Visible-Light-Induced Photoactivity of N-Doped TiO2. International Journal of Photoenergy,  2013: Article ID 268723, 13 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/268723.國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(通訊作者、第一作者) (IF:2.633, OPTICS Rank Factor N / M: 9/79)) 

  8. Lin, Y.-T., C.-H. Weng, Y.-H. Lin, C.-C. Shiesh, and F.-Y. Chen, Effect of C content and calcination temperature on the photocatalytic activity of C-doped TiO2 catalyst. Separation and Purification Technology, 2013. 116(15): p. 114-123.國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(通訊作者、第一作者) (IF: 2.894, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 15/133) 

  9. Weng, C.-H., Y.-T. Lin, and H.-M. Yuan, Rapid decoloration of Reactive Black 5 by an advanced Fenton process in conjunction with ultrasound. Separation and Purification Technology, 2013. 117(30): p. 75-82. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第二作者) (IF: 2.894, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 15/133) 

  10. Weng, C.-H., Y.-T. Lin, Y.-J. Chen, and Y.C. Sharma, Spent green tea leaves for decolourisation of raw textile industry wastewater. Coloration Technology, 2013. 129: p. 1-7. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第二作者) (IF:0.899, MATERIALS SCIENCE, TEXTILES, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 7/22)

  11. Weng, C.-H., Y.-T. Lin, C.-K. Chang, and N. Liu, Decolourization of direct blue 15 by Fenton/ultrasonic process using a zero-valent iron aggregate catalyst. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2013. 20(3): p. 970-977.國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第二作者) (IF: 3.516, ACOUSTICS, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 3/31) 

  12. Lin, Y.-T., C.-H. Weng, and S.-Y. Lee, Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Agricultural Soils Exemplified by Cr, Cu, and Zn. Journal of Environmental Engineering-Asce, 2012. 138(3): p. 299-306.國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(通訊作者、第一作者) (IF:1.399, ENGINEERING, CIVIL, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 25/122)) 

  13. Chang, S.-C., S.-J. Lin, T.-W. Chen, and Y.-T. Lin, A biocide-free mineral oil nanoemulsion exhibiting strong bactericidal activity against Mycobacterium immunogenum and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2012. 70: p. 66-73. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第四作者) (IF: 2.059, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 86/209)

  14. Lin, Y.-T., C.-H. Weng, and T.-W. Tzeng, Photocatalysis and Catalytic Properties of Nano-sized N-TiO2 Catalyst Synthesized by Sol-gel Methods Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 2010. 13(3): p. 297-304. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(通訊作者、第一作者) (IF:0.946, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 112/134)

  15. Weng, C.-H., Y.-T. Lin, C.-L. Yeh, and Y.C. Sharma, Magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles for adsorptive removal of acid dye (new coccine) from aqueous solutions. Water Science & Technology, 2010. 62(4): p. 844-851.國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第二作者) (IF:1.102, WATER RESOURCES, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 44/80)

  16. Weng, C.-H., Y.-T. Lin, and T.-W. Tzeng, Removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution by adsorption onto pineapple leaf powder Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009. 170(1): p. 417-424. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第二作者) ( IF:3.925, ENGINEERING, CIVIL, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 2/122)

  17. Lin, Y.-T., C.-H. Weng, and F.-Y. Chen, Effective Removal of AB24 Dye by Nano/micro-size Zero-valent Iron. Separation and Purification Technology, 2008. 64(1): p. 26-30國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(通訊作者、第一作者) (IF: 2.894, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 15/133)

  18. Lin, Y.-T. and C.P. Huang, Reduction of Chromium (VI) by Pyrite in Dilute Aqueous Solutions. Separation and Purification Technology, 2008. 63(1): p. 191-199國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(通訊作者、第一作者) ( IF: 2.879, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 11/128)

  19. Lin, Y.-T., M. Sung, P.F. Sanders, A. Marinucci, and C.P. Huang, Separation of Nano-Sized Colloidal Particles Using Cross-flow Electro-filtration. Separation and Purification Technology, 2007. 58(1): p. 138-147. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(通訊作者、第一作者) ( IF: 2.879, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 11/128)

  20. Lin, Y.-T. and M.-C. Lu, Catalytic action of goethite in the oxidation of 2-chlorophenols with hydrogen peroxide. Water Science and Technology, 2007. 55(12): p. 101-106. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(通訊作者、第一作者) ( IF:1.049, WATER RESOURCES, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 36/66)

  21. Weng, C.-H., Y.-T. Lin, T.Y. Lin, and C.M. Kaod, Enhancement of electrokinetic remediation of hyper-Cr(VI) contaminated clay by zero-valent iron. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007. 149(2): p. 292-302. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第二作者) ( IF: 2.377, ENGINEERING, CIVIL, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 1/893)

  22. Sung, M., C.P. Huang, Y.-H. Weng, Y.-T. Lin, and K.-C. Li, Enhancing the Separation of Nano-sized Particles in Low-Salt Suspensions by Electrically-assisted Cross-flow Filtration. Separation and Purification Technology, 2007. 54(2): p. 170-177. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第三作者) ( IF:2.497, SCI/SSCI Rank Factor N / M: 11/128)

  23. Lin, Y.-T., C.P. Huang, P.F. Sanders, and A.C. Marinucci, Separation of Nano-Size Naturally Occurring Particles by Cross-Flow Electro-Filtration Process. 國際期刊 SCI,多位作者(第一作者)Keystone Water Quality Manager, 2002.

  24. Lin, Y.-T., Environmental Management of Shan Zhu Ku Landfill. Journal of Environment Engineering, 1998. 9(2): p. 35-54. 國內期刊

  25. Lin, Y.-T., The Introduction of Soil Contamination and Remediation Engineering in Taiwan. Journal of Sinotech Engineering, 1994. 43: p. 135-142. 國內期刊


B. 研討會論文(Proceeding)


  1.  Lin, Y.-T., C.-H. Weng, and H.-J. Hsu. Photocatalytic oxidation of ethylene using nano-sized N-doped TiO2: A kinetic study in Gordon Research Conference: Environmental Nanotechnology. 2013. Stowe, Vermont, USA.

  2. Lin, Y.-T., C.-H. Weng, and Y.-H. Lin. Synthesis and characterization of a novel tourmaline-TiO2 composite. in 2013 International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. 2013. Urgup, Nevsehir, Turkey.

  3. Weng, C.-H., H.-M. Yuan, and Y.-T. Lin. Fenton/Ultrasound Process Using Zero-valent Iron Aggregate Catalyst. in The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment. 2012. Guilin, China: Chinese Academy of Engineering.

  4. Weng, C.-H., Y.-T. Lin, and S.-C. Hsu1. Electrochemical Regeneration of Zn-saturated Granular Activated Carbon from Electroplating Wastewater Plant. in 2012 International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Technologies. 2012. Bangkok, Thailand: King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi.

  5. Lin, Y.-T., C.-H. Weng, and F.-Y. Chen. Photocatalysis and Catalytic Properties of Nano-Sized C-TiO2 Catalyst. in The 6th IWA Specialist Conference: Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment. 2012. Goslar, German: CUTEC-Institu Gmbh.

  6. Lin, Y.-T., C.-H. Weng, and F.-Y. Chen. Photocatalytic Oxidation of Ethylene on visible-light-induce C-TiO2. in 2012 International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Technologies. 2012. Bangkok, Thailand: King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi.

  7. Lin, Y.-T. and C.-H. Weng. Bio-Sludge Dewatering by an Electrokinetic-Assisted Process: Effects of Electrical Gradient. in The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment. 2012. Guilin, China: Chinese Academy of Engineering.

  8. Lin, Y.-T. and H.-J. Hsu. The effect of N content and calcinations temperature on the photocatalytic activity of N-doped TiO2 catalyst. in 2012 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation. 2012. Kaohsing, Taiwan: I-Shou University.

  9. Li, Y.-Z., et al. Effect of Carbon Nano-tube on the Protein Expression of Chicken Heterophils. in The 15th AAAP Animal Science Congress. 2012. Thailand.

  10. Hsu, H.-J, Lin, Y.-T and Lin, Y.-H. The Characteristics and Photocatalytic Activity of Visible Light Driven N-doped TiO2. in Nanotech Conference & Expo 2011

  11. Lin, Y.-T, Weng, C.-H, Chen, F.-Y. Degradation of Ethylene Using Nano-Sized C-doped TiO2 Under Visible Light Illumination. Fifth International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology. 2011

  12. Li, Y.-Z., Z.-L. Li, S.-H. Wang, C.-S. Cheng, S.-E. Chen, Y.-T. Lin, and S.-Y. Huang. Effect of Nano-Sized Titanium Dioxide Exposure on the Protein Expression of Chicken Macrophages. in 9th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference. 2010.

  13. Tzeng, J.-H. and Y.-T. Lin. Adsorption of Ethylene onto Pd-modified Zeolite for Horticultural Products. in the Air & Waste Management Association's 103rd Annual Conference. 2010. Calgary, Alberta CANADA.

  14. Tzeng, J.-H. and Y.-T. Lin. A New Ethylene Scavenge for Horticultural Products. in 2010 Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation. 2010. Tainan, Taiwan

  15. Lin, Y.-T., J.-H. Tzeng, and C.-H. Weng. The Adsorption of Ethylene onto Pd-modified Zeolite for the Preservation of Horticultural Products. in the Air & Waste Management Association's 1 03rd Annual Conference. 2010. Calgary, Alberta CANADA.

  16. Lin, Y.-T., J.-H. Tzeng, and C.-H. Weng. The Adsorption of Ethylene onto Pd-modified Zeolite for the Preservation of Horticultural Products. in the Air & Waste Management Association's 1 03rd Annual Conference. 2010. Calgary, Alberta CANADA.

  17. Lin, Y.-T., J.-H. Tzeng, and C.-H. Weng. The Adsorption of Ethylene onto Pd-modified Zeolite for the Preservation of Horticultural Products. in the Air & Waste Management Association's 1 03rd Annual Conference. 2010. Calgary, Alberta CANADA.

  18. Lin, Y.-T. and S.Y. Lee. Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Agricultural Soils Exemplified by Cr, Cu, and Zn in THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE WATER ENVIRONMENT 2010. Newark, DE.

  19. Lin, Y.-T. Effect of mixing Mn-Cu on the catalytic oxidation of C2H4 over nano iron oxide. in First Symposium on the Applications and the Implications of Nanotechnology in Agriculture Systems. 2010. Taichung, Taiwan.

  20. Chen, F.-Y. and Y.-T. Lin. Effect of O2 Content and Humidity on the Photocatalytic Activity of C-doped TiO2 Prepared by Sol-gel Method. in 2010 International Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) Conference. 2010. Taichung, Taiwan.

  21. Chen, F.-Y. and Y.-T. Lin. Effect of C Content and Calcination Temperatures on the Characteristics. in 2010 Nanotech conference & Expo. 2010. Anaheim, CA.

  22. Weng, C.-H., Y.-T. Lin, C.-L. Yeh, and Y.C. Sharma. Magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles for adsorptive removal of acidic dye (new coccine) from aqueous solution. in The 3rd IWA-ASPIRE Conference 2009. Taipei, Taiwan.

  23. Lin, Y.-T., T.-W. Tzeng, and Y.-C. Chen. Degradation of Dye by Nano-sized/Micro sized Zero-valent Iron: Kinetics, Pathways, and Effect of Reaction Conditions in International Conference on the Environmental Implications and Applications of Nanotechnology. 2009. Amherst, MA, USA.

  24. Weng, C.-H., W.-S. Huang, and Y.-T. Lin. Removal of Methylene Blue from Wastewater by Used Tea Leaf Powder. in Air & Waste Management Association 102th Annual Conference. 2009. Detroit, Michgan, USA.

  25. Tzeng, T.-W. and Y.-T. Lin. Effect of Mixing Ratio of N-Doped TiO2 using Sol-Gel Method on the Photocatalytic Activity in International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, control and Conservation. 2009. Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC.

  26. Tzeng, T.-W. and Y.-T. Lin. Ti 2p, O 1s, and N 1s X-ray absorption of nano-sized N-doped TiO2. in Asian-Pacific Regional Conference on Practical Environmental Technology. 2009. Hanoi, Vietnam.

  27. Lin, Y.-T. and T.-W. Tzeng. Characterization and Effect of Nitrogen Doping on the Nanosized Titanium Dioxide and its Solar Light Driven Photocatalytic Activity. in The 14th International Conference on TiO2 Photocatalysis: Fundamentals and Applications. 2009. Niagara Falls, New York, USA

  28. Chen, F.-Y., Y.-T. Lin, and Y.-Y. Li. Ti 2p, O 1s, and C 1s X-ray absorption of nano-sized C-doped TiO2. in Asian-Pacific Regional Conference on Practical Environmetnal Technologies. 2009. Hanoi, Vietnam.

  29. Chen, F.Y. and Y.T. Lin. Synthesis and characterization of nano-sized C-doped TiO2 using sol-gel method. in International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation. 2009. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

  30. Lin, Y.-T., C.-H. Weng, and S.-Y. Li. The spatial distribution of heavy metals in contaminated agricultural soils exemplified by Cr, Cu, and Zn. in Air & Waste Management Association 101th Annual Conference. 2008. Portland, Oregon, USA: Air & Waste Management Association.

  31. Liao, C.-Y., Y.-T. Lin, and J.-H. Tzeng. Effect of Mixing Mn-Cu on the Catalytic Oxidation of C2H4 over Nano-sized Iron oxide. in 2008 Asian-Pacific Regional Conference on Practical Environmental Technologies. 2008. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines.

  32. Liao, C.-Y., Y.-T. Lin, and J.-H. Tzeng. The Catalytic Oxidation of C2H4 on Nano-sized Mn-Cu/Fe2O3. in 2008 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation. 2008. Tainan, Taiwan.Wang, K.-S., Y.-T. Lin, I.-J. Chiou, and C.-H. Lee. Stabilization and Recycling of Electric Arc Furnace Dust with Aluminum Dross. in Air & Waste Management Association 100th Annual Conference. 2007. Pittsburgh, PA: Air & Waste Management Association.

  33. Wang, K.-S., Y.-T. Lin, I.-J. Chiou, and C.-H. Lee. Pozzolanic Activity and Engineering Properties of Blended Cement with Vitrified Municipal Fly Ash Slag. in Air & Waste Management Association 100th Annual Conference. 2007. Pittsburgh, PA: Air & Waste Management Association.

  34. Wang, K.-S., W.-L. Liao, I.-J. Chiou, Y.-T. Lin, and C.-H. Lee. Improving Refuse Slag Quality by Use of the Recrystallization Process. in Air & Waste Management Association 100th Annual Conference. 2007. Pittsburgh, PA: Air & Waste Management Association.

  35. Li, S.Y. and y.-T. Lin. The Transportation and Characterization of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Paddy Farmland in Central Taiwan. in Asian-Pacific Regional Conference on Practical Environmental Technology. 2007. Khon kaen, Thailand.

  36. Fu, W.C. and y.-T. Lin. Transfornmation of Chromium Speciation Using Sequential Extraction Procedure and Synchrotron Radiation Technique in Irrigation Channel Sediments and Agricultural Soil. in Asian-Pacific Regional Conference on Practical Environmental Technology. 2007. Khon Kaen, Thailand.

  37. Lu, M.C. and Y.T. Lin. Application of Goethite/Hydrogen Peroxide on the Treatment of Chlorophenols. in The 12th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air and Soil. 2006. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

  38. Lin, Y.T. and M.C. Lu. Catalytic Action of Goethite in the Oxidation of 2- Chlorophenols with Hydrogen Peroxide. in 4th IWA Specialist Conference Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment. 2006. Goslar, Germany: CUTEC-Institut GmbH.

  39. Li, S.Y., Y.T. Lin, and S.L. Wang, Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals (Cu、Zn、Cr) in Contaminated Agricultural Soil, in International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation. 2006: Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science, Tainan, Taiwan.

  40. Huang, C.C. and Y.T. Lin, Estimation of Total Solids and Turbidity of Surface Water Using Hyperspectral Sensor in Taiwan, in International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation. 2006: Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science, Tainan, Taiwan.

  41. Fu, W.C., Y.T. Lin, and Y.M. Tzou, The Distribution of Metal Speciation in the Sediment of Irrigating Channel and Agriculture Soil, in International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation. 2006: Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science, Tainan, Taiwan.

  42. Lin, Y.T. and C.P. Huang. Separation of Nano-Sized Colloidal particles by Crossflow Electrofiltration Process: Model Verification. in Chesapeake Water Environment Association. 2003. Ocean city, MD.

  43. Lin, Y.T., C.P. Huang, P.F. Sanders, and A.C. Marinucci, Separation of Nano-Size Naturally Occurring Particles by Cross-Flow Electro-Filtration Process. Keystone Water Quality Manager, 2002.

  44. Lin, Y.T., C.P. Huang, P.F. Sanders, and A.C. Marinucci. Separation of Lead in Groundwater using Electrically Assisted Tangential Flow Filtration Method. in 34th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference. 2002. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.

  45. Lin, Y.T. and C.P. Huang. Oxidative Dissolution of Pyrite in the Presence of Cr(VI). in International Conference of Heavy Metals in the Environment. 1993. Toronto.



  1. Lin, Y.-T. The Application of Nanotechnology on Agricultural Environment. in Low Dimensional Science Conference. 2011 Nantu, Taiwan

  2. 陳姿文,游雨涵,張書奇,林耀東.奈米乳化液在地下水層中傳輸研究.第七屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會. 2010.台北

  3. 陳姿文,張書奇,游雨涵,林耀東. 食品級奈米乳化液在地下環境傳輸模擬及實場應用風險推估.第十四屆土壤及地下水污染整治研討會. 2010. 台北.

  4. 張書奇,游雨涵,陳姿文,林耀東. 奈米乳化液在管柱傳輸實驗中之螢光定量方法研究. 第七屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會. 2010. 台北.

  5. Lin, Y.-T., M.-C. Liu, A.-H. Fu, C.-F. Chang, and H.-P. Chen. Soil Treatment Methods for The Remediation of Nitroaromatic Explosives. in The sixteen fundamental Discipline Conference, National Defense University 2009. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

  6. Chen, F.Y. and Y.T. Lin. Effect of carbon content and calcination temperature on nano-sized C-doped TiO2 using high energy spherical grating monochromator in Fifteenth Users' Meeting & Workshops in National Synchrotron Radiation Research Central User. 2009. Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  7. Chang, C.-F., H.-P. Chen, C.-K. Lai, Y.-T. Lin, K.-J. Chan, M.-J. Liou, and C.-H. Hsu. Residue and Accumulation of Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane(DDT)and Its Metabolites in Soils and Earthworms in Taiwan. in The sixteen fundamental Discipline Conference, National Defense University 2009. kaohsiung, Taiwan.

  8. Lin, Y.-T. and T.-W. Tzeng. Identification of the surface properties of N-doped TiO2 by synchrotron in Civil and Ecological Engineering Conference. 2008. Kaohsiung, R.O.C.

  9. Lin, Y.T. and F.Y. Chen. Effect of C content on the characteristic of nano C-doped TiO2. in Civil and Ecological Engineering Conference. 2008. Kaohsiung, R.O.C.

  10. Liao, C.-Y. and Y.-T. Lin. Effect of Temperature on the Surface characteristics of Nano-Siaed Iron Oxide. in The 19th Conference on the Chinese institute of Environmental Engineering. 2007. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

  11. Fu, W.C. and y.-T. Lin. XAFS of chromiun in the Contaminant Sediments of the Irrigation Channel and Agriculture Soils using Synchrotron Radiation Technique. in The 19th Conference on the Chinese institute of Environmental Engineering. 2007. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

  12. Fu, W.C., C.-Y. Liao, and Y.-T. Lin. Transfornmation of Chromium Speciation Using Synchrotron Radiation Technique in Contamination site. in Thirteenth Users' Meeting & Workshops in National Synchrotron Radiaition Research Central User. 2007. Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  13. Chang, S.-C., Y.-T. Lin, and S.-J. Lin. Nanoemulsion as A Novel In-Process Biostable and Off-Process Biodegradable Industrial Fluid - Preliminary Study. in The 4th Conference on Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology. 2007. TaiChung, Taiwan.

  14. Chang, S.-C. and Y.-T. Lin. 奈米乳化液應用於新式永續性工程用液之研究. in 環境工程學會廢水處理技術研討會. 2007. 高雄.

  15. Li, S.Y., Y.T. Lin, and S.L. Wang, Nondestructive Measurements of the Spatial Distribution of Chromium in Contaminated Agricultural Soils in Taiwan Using XANES, in Twelfth Users' Meeting & Workshops in National Synchrotron Radiaition Research Central User. 2006: National Synchrotron Radiation Reserach Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  16. Li, S.Y., Y.T. Lin, and S.L. Wang, Spatial Survey of Trace Metals (Cr, Cu, Zn and Ni) in Agricultural Contaminant Sites, in The 18th Conference on the Chinese institute of Environmental Engineering. 2006: Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan.

  17. Li, S.Y., Y.T. Lin, and S.L. Wang, Three-Dimensional Distribution of Cr, Cu, Zn, and Ni in an Agricultural Field Subjected to Irrigation with Industrial Wastewaters, in The 3rd Cross-Strait Conference on the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation 2006: National Tawain University, Taipei, Taiwan.

  18. Fu, W.C., Y.-T. Lin, and Y.M. Tzou, Nondestructive Measurements of the Chemical Forms of Chromium in Contaminated Agricultural Environment in Taiwan Using XANES, in Twelfth Users' Meeting & Workshops in National Synchrotron Radiaition Research Central User. 2006: National Synchrotron Radiation Reserach Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  19. Fu, W.C., Y.T. Lin, and Y.M. Tzou, The Distribution of Metals in the Sediments of the Irrigation Channel and Agriculture Soils, in The 3rd Cross-Strait Conference on the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation. 2006: National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

  20. Fu, W.C., Y.T. Lin, and Y.M. Tzou, The Distribution of Metals in the Suspended Particles and Sediments of the Irrigation Channel and Agriculture Soils Exemplified by Cr, Cu, Zn, and Ni in The 18th Conference on the Chinese institute of Environmental Engineering. 2006: Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan.

  21. Chen, F.Y., Y.T. Lin, and W.P. Hsieh. Study of Textile Wastewater Treatment by Nano-Scale Zero-Valent Iron. in The 3rd Conference on Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology & Advances in Environmental Nanotechnology Forum. 2006. National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

  22. Chen, F.Y. and Y.T. Lin, The Reaction Mechanism and Particles Size Effect of Nano-Size Zero-Valent Iron for the Treatment of Acid Black 24 Dye Solution, in The 18th Conference on the Chinese institute of Environmental Engineering. 2006: Tung-hai University, Taichung, Taiwan.

  23. Li, S.Y., Y.T. Lin, and S.L. Wang, Spatial Distribution and Transformation of Cr in Cr-Contaminated Sites in Taiwan, in Eleventh Users' Meeting & Workshops in National Synchrotron Radiaition Research Central User. 2005: National Synchrotron Radiation Reserach Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  24. Lin, Y.T., Environmental Management of Shan Zhu Ku Landfill. Journal of Environment Engineering, 1998. 9(2): p. 35-54.

  25. Lin, Y.T., The Introduction of Soil Contamination and Remediation Engineering in Taiwan. Journal of Sinotech Engineering, 1994. 43: p. 135-142.

  26. Lin, Y.T. The Poll and Survey Discussion of the Municipal Waste Treatment Plant Site Selection. in The 7th Environmental Planning and Management. 1994.

  27. Lin, Y.T. Environmental Impact Assessment of Resource recycle (Incinerator) plant (capacity 900 metric ton) in Jen-Oh, Kaohsing County. in 6th Environmental Planning and Management Conference. 1993. Tainan, Taiwan.

國立中興大學 土壤環境科學系 環境奈米材料實驗室


Environmental Nano-material Laboratory, Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences,

National Chung Hsing University

Room 3A07, Department of Soil and Environment Sciences,

145 Kuo Kuang Rd., Taichung 402, Taiwan R.O.C.

TAL:  04-22840373 ext. 3107 FAX:  04-22862043


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